
What was going on in your life before working with me?I was on the mend from a tumultuous year involving death in the family, quitting an unfulfilling job, the end of a long-term relationship, the start of a new role that was completely toxic, extreme self-loathing, self-doubt, and depression.
What issues were you looking to solve with coaching?Change my outlook on life, specifically how I viewed myself in the context of today’s societal values on appearance.
Before this, what other things did you try?I was in therapy, but I wanted to try another outlet to see what I could gain via conversation to improve my life.
What made you take the leap from those other things to trying health coaching?Knowing I needed help, courage, time, risk, faith, and assessing whether this would serve my greater good.
What was your biggest obstacle that prevented you from booking your first session with me?Time.
After our first session what made you decide to continue trying coaching?Knowing that I was being listened to. I felt heard. I felt that the coach was truly there to help me.
What has made you the happiest about continuing to try health coaching?The ability to smile after the coaching and utilizing what was spoken in conversation.
What have you been able to achieve after trying health coaching?I have gotten my life back on track (including the help of therapy). I have been to go into my workouts and not have anxiety about my appearance.
What things have exceeded your expectations about being coached?The connection with the coach and the insight provided to me.
What is the main reason you would recommend trying health coaching with me to others?Self-value, inspiration, insight, and coaching were invaluable overall.
Can I use the testimonial on my website?yes

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