Barriers To Health. Money Shouldn’t Be One

Its a scary reality that people cannot afford things in order to get healthy and I would like to discuss the experience of being in this group and the consequences to our society .

The things people cant seem to afford are:

  1. Health Coaching
  2. Time to get health coaching, exercise, cook, meditate, and etc.
  3. Food (all types of Food)

Affording Health Coaching

Health coaching has been historically a fringe benefit of the elite. I also feel health coaching has gotten better over time and has proven itself to really work and therefore its imperative that our industry make health coaching much more widely available. If you are curious about my prices see, Pricing FAQ – Perez Coaching.

Finding more time

If you don’t have time to do what you need to get healthy its very understandable primarily because of the evolutionary mismatch with the way we evolved to perceive time and the way modernity has boxed in all our lives.

I’d like to briefly what I mean by our concept time mismatch. I mean that through most of our evolution our sense of time was bracketed by the position of celestial bodies in the sky. The great majority of our ancestors knew what had to be done and in what time of day or night based on the position of the sun in our sky. We survived because this worked. In modernity our day remains bracketed by the position of the sun in the sky but also skewed by the technology which allows s to remain active continuously until we need to stop because of fatigue or death.

Therefore I understand the situation in which people who have decided they have time for many unhealthy activities and none left for healthy activities. Had the invention of the light bulb benefited our modern health then it would also have a mechanism that would make obvious that time is actually more abundant. You being exposed to UV light were your body does not benefit from it actually causes your system to suffer from a very pernicious disease. Being scolded for not being able to find time is therefore in a sense cruel because you are not operating with a full deck.

Being scolded for not being able to find time is therefore in a sense cruel because you are not operating with a full deck.

Affording healthier food

There are many people who can agree on what causes poverty, and as a society there are and have been many people who have tried and succeeded in many ways to solve poverty. Another obvious aspect of this subject is that many people disagree about that is healthy food. I would like to avoid discussing either of the previous 2 subjects and discuss a huge factor that was missed and that is what are the causes for why people cant afford meat and the taboo which I see surrounding the donation of fresh meat.

Many people cant afford meat not because of poverty but because they have been trained by a society that disapproves of spending too much money on meat. What I mean is there are people who eat meat but don’t allow themselves to eat meat. They don’t allow themselves to to increase the intake of food which they know or believe meat is a healthy part of what they want to consume.

They don’t allow themselves to to increase the intake of food which they know or believe is a healthy part of what they want to consume.

My contention is that there is also a taboo on the donation side of fresh meat and there are many issues surrounding this. One issue which I have thought of is more nuts and bolts than the other. The logistical fact is that meat is more expensive based on per ounce of scale weight. The other issue about the donation of meat is more ephemeral. When one obtains meat they do so with the innate guttural feeling in which they paid for the price for a life which they intend to consume and which is essential for our own health. Therefore the thought of giving this away in raw form just feels wrong. On the side of the person receiving the donation they too have the innate guttural feeling of receiving something essential which they haven’t paid any price.

On the side of the person receiving the donation they too have the innate guttural feeling of receiving something essential which they haven’t paid any price.

In antiquity the problem of sharing or meat was solved but not really in a rather simple way. The person who was most responsible for the harvesting of meat was often awarded first the experience and second the most benefit at the point of harvest. The harvester is with the animal at the point of its death and performs a ritual which honors the life which they just took. This helps to heal the person from feelings of sadness which they feel for having undone a life. The harvester also typically was also awarded the most nutritious flesh. Therefore I believe that in antiquity we humans were able to donate or share meat in a better way based on the small scale of closer relationships and also on the big side with a greater closeness to the harvesting event of obtaining meat.

If any of the issues discussed are hitting your heart. My hope is not to wound. My hope is to put out what I’m feeling and what many of my clients feel in order for others to understand. I also want people to know that if you are struggling that there people like me out there that do understand.

I don’t get many comments on my blog posts I have a feeling there may be many people wanting to comment on this one. Please feel free to use the contact page.

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