The value of being listened to.

You may or may not be aware of the feeling you have when you are truly being listened to. I would like to describe the qualities you should notice when talking to a good listener. Furthermore I would like to engender an appreciation to the people you depend on to listen to you.

When you are being listened to you might hear these 3 things:

  1. They might respectfully repeat what you just said about whats going on for you. By repeating what you you feel they are trying to literally be in your shoes. When I listen to someone I truly want to hear their words.
  2. They might say, “did I get that right?” When I ask someone to confirm my thoughts. Its a genuine inquiry and an invitation for the person to tell me more details about what is going on in them.
  3. They might say, nothing. When you are trying to get something very deep of of your chest its helpful to have the space for doing it. Not having the right words to say in the moment doesn’t mean that what your feeling isn’t important, though it might mean the opposite. There are times when a caring look, a smile and openness requires the listener to just give space.

This article describes some of the things I love about being listened to. I hope my thoughts help someone who maybe feels alone. I offer free listening sessions. Go to this link.

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